
22 2019

Leadership: It's Like Herding Sheep #LITERALLY

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Westmoor Park 119 Flagg Road
West Hartford, CT 06117

Contact Jody Angell


Thursday, August 22nd from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
at Westmoor Park, 119 Flagg Road, West Hartford CT

Try your hand at herding a small group of sheep and goats to understand why many Jewish leaders led animals before leading people.

FREE- RSVP Required

RSVP by August 15 to
Casual waterproof or weather resistant footwear encouraged

The Greater Hartford Jewish Leadership Academy (JLA) is an innovative resource for Jewish-based leadership development. JLA is developed with support from the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford and funded by the Jewish Community Foundation, the Auerbach-Schiro Foundation, Lea and Richard Rubenstein, and Sandy and Arnie Dashefsky. To learn more, visit

The Jewish Professionals Network (JPN), an initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, builds business relationships among Jewish professionals to integrate people across career levels, ages and professions. JPN also creates a pipeline for college and graduate students to integrate into the Greater Hartford social and professional Jewish communities.


Sponsor: Jewish Leadership Academy & Jewish Professional's Network