Individual Leadership Plans & Coaching

One of the key approaches of JLA is to meet people where they are regarding their own personal leadership journey. The Individualized Leadership Plan will enable current and emerging leaders to determine goals for their broader leadership direction as well as provide an avenue for achieving both personal and communal leadership goals. In essence, the ILP will become each person’s individual map of his/her Jewish leadership journey.

Current and emerging leaders will meet individually with JLA staff who will help them develop an ILP and timeline to be used and modified as they continue along their leadership journey. Through this process each participant will:

  • Clarify personal leadership goals
  • Discuss and note general and Jewish interests.
  • Determine current leadership skills and identify new ones.
  • Identify leadership development training opportunities within the Jewish community.
  • Establish list of Jewish community organizations and connect the leader to appropriate organizations thereby growing leaders for the entire Greater Hartford Jewish community.
  • Provide ongoing support for the individual’s Jewish leadership journey.

For more information, please contact Heather Fiedler at or 860-727-6121.