
A former synagogue president reflects on member engagement

Engagement is an overwhelming topic for synagogue presidents. How do you even begin to start engaging with members at a new and deeper level? It’s too much to think about especially when, as president, you have so much more pressing things to do and only two years to do it all! Read More

Practicing self-management can enhance relationships

Self-management means practicing the relationship behaviors that make oneself and others blossom. It means noticing these behaviors in others, admiring them, and reinforcing their continuance. And it means asking oneself from the very beginning: “What kind of relationship do I want and how…

An Inspiring Hanukkah Message For Every Nonprofit Leader

We did it, nonprofit leaders. We made it to the last month of 2021.

You’ve gone above and beyond all day long, all year long. That was true all day long, all year long in 2020, and in the years before as well. Read More

A Unicorn Called Happiness

We imagine happiness as a destination where we can finally “settle down” and enjoy life. This pursuit is deemed worthy by society and seems to be hardwired in us. If this premise is true, why do we so often find ourselves having achieved the goals, gained the things and still left want…

Boxing outside the box

As she worked to shift her educational approach during the pandemic, one Hillel educator moved beyond sending her students care packages as she realized that creating engaging and interactive experience kits is critical to enabling high-level, experiential education. Read her tips for other …