
Research: How Risky Behavior Spreads

How does risky behavior spread? There are two theories: one involving social cues and the other involving trial-and-error. Covid-19 offered a chance to study this phenomenon and found evidence for both. In particular, the authors’ research documents a phenomenon of “risk creep,” where …

What Is Psychological Safety?

What exactly is psychological safety? It’s a term that’s used a lot but is often misunderstood. In this piece, the author answers the following questions with input from Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, who coined the phrase “team psychological safety”: 1) What is psy…

Almost Half Of Leaders Say Volunteering Has “Big Problem”

Volunteer engagement has always been critical for advancing the work of nonprofits. Limited resources and reduced staffing capacity during the pandemic has greatly impacted volunteering. This challenge is exacerbated by what nearly half (46.8%) of nonprofit CEOs say is a “big problem” …

10 reasons to love high performing nonprofit boards

This description of nonprofits from the National Council of Nonprofits is one of my favorites: “Nonprofits are not just organizations; they are the face of our communities. They protect, feed, heal, shelter, educate, and nurture our bodies and spirits. Nonprofits give shape to our boldest …

5 ways to exude confidence in meetings, even if you aren’t

When you’re lacking confidence, meetings can be some of the most daunting moments in your day. If you’re busy thinking about whether or not you even belong, it’s hard to focus on demonstarting your skill and expertise — the very reason you were invited. If you want to start shinin…